Interface WebSessionManager

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultWebSessionManager, ServletContainerSessionManager

public interface WebSessionManager
extends SessionManager

SessionManager specific to web-enabled applications.

See Also:
ServletContainerSessionManager, DefaultWebSessionManager

Method Summary
 boolean isServletContainerSessions()
          Returns true if session management and storage is managed by the underlying Servlet container or false if managed by Shiro directly (called 'native' sessions).
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.SessionManager
getSession, start

Method Detail


boolean isServletContainerSessions()
Returns true if session management and storage is managed by the underlying Servlet container or false if managed by Shiro directly (called 'native' sessions).

If sessions are enabled, Shiro can make use of Sessions to retain security information from request to request. This method indicates whether Shiro would use the Servlet container sessions to fulfill its needs, or if it would use its own native session management instead (which can support enterprise features - like distributed caching - in a container-independent manner).

true if session management and storage is managed by the underlying Servlet container or false if managed by Shiro directly (called 'native' sessions).

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